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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Vanguard: Saga of Heroes Game Review

Vanguard: Saga of Heroes Game Review
Characters: Highly customizable. 19 races, 4 classes, with 17 careers total spread in these classes.
World: The world is expansive and begs to be explored. Because of this expansiveness, there is a "chunk" or "zoning" affect. This affect has improved since the game's inception and does not take long to load.
Armor Sets: Highly customizable from a conceptual perceptive, socketing system in place. Dungeon armor set available, epicable weaponry and armor.
Server Population: Medium to Low, but quality players with a sense of community.
Banking: Plenty of space, 3 continental games, easily accessible in large cities and major hubs.
Auction: Excellent system, only susceptible to the typical game economy issues.
PVP: Non-existent. The game had PVP when it began, and was quite good, but has been removed due to unpopularity of PVP among the community that remains.

This MMO was my first, and no other has captured my imagination the same way since. Even the big moneymaker, WoW.

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